97 research outputs found

    Population genetics and diversity structure of an invasive earthworm in tropical and temperate pastures from Veracruz, Mexico

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    Pontoscolex corethrurus (Müller, 1857) is an invasive tropical earthworm, globally distributed. It reproduces through parthenogenesis, which theoretically results in low genetic diversity. The analysis of the population structure of P. corethrurus using molecular markers may significantly contribute to understanding the ecology and reproductive system of this earthworm species. This work assessed the genetic diversity and population structure of P. corethrurus with 34 polymorphic inter simple sequence repeat markers, covering four populations in tropical and temperate pastures from Veracruz State. Nuclear markers distinguished two genetic clusters, probably corresponding to two distinct genetic lineages. The number of clones detected in the AC population was lower than expected for a parthenogenetic species. Also, the apparent lack of differences in population structures related to the geographic region among the populations studied may indicate that human-mediated transference is prevalent in these areas. Still, most individuals apparently belong to lineage A, and only a few individuals seem to belong to the lineage B. Thus, the admixture signatures found among the four populations of P. corethrurus may have facilitated a successful invasion by directly increasing fitness. In summary, addressing the genetic variation of P. corethrurus with ISSR markers was a suitable approach, as it evidenced the genetic diversity and relationships in the populations evaluated

    Analysis of the 40K contamination in NaI(Tl) crystals from different providers in the frame of the ANAIS project

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    NaI(Tl) large crystals are applied in the search for galactic dark matter particles through their elastic scattering off the target nuclei in the detector by measuring the scintillation signal produced. However, energies deposited in the form of nuclear recoils are small, which added to the low efficiency to convert that energy into scintillation, makes that events at or very near the energy threshold, attributed either to radioactive backgrounds or to spurious noise (non-bulk NaI(Tl) scintillation events), can compromise the sensitivity goals of such an experiment. DAMA/LIBRA experiment, using 250 kg NaI(Tl) target, reported first evidence of the presence of an annual modulation in the detection rate compatible with that expected for a dark matter signal just in the region below 6 keVee (electron equivalent energy). In the frame of the ANAIS (Annual modulation with NaI Scintillators) dark matter search project a large and long effort has been carried out in order to understand the origin of events at very low energy in large sodium iodide detectors and develop convenient filters to reject those non attributable to scintillation in the bulk NaI(Tl) crystal. 40K is probably the most relevant radioactive contaminant in the bulk for NaI(Tl) detectors because of its important contribution to the background at very low energy. ANAIS goal is to achieve levels at or below 20 ppb natural potassium. In this paper we will report on our effort to determine the 40K contamination in several NaI(Tl) crystals, by measuring in coincidence between two (or more) of them. Results obtained for the 40K content of crystals from different providers will be compared and prospects of the ANAIS dark matter search experiment will be briefly reviewed.Comment: Submitted to International Journal of Modern Physics

    SfM Photogrammetric Techniques Applied in the Building Archaeology Works of the Old Cloister of the Monastery of San Francisco from the 16th Century (Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville)

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    The cloister from the old monastery of San Francisco (Cazalla de la Sierra, Seville) has 12 been suffering a series of remodelling and transformations from its original construction, in the 16th 13 century, to the current day. Thus, a study of building archaeology needed to be accomplished by 14 using photogrammetric techniques by SfM (Structure from Motion) and laser scanning or TLS (Ter- 15 restrial Laser Scanning) that ensure a geometric exactitude and high resolution of the facings sur- 16 veying. For that, over 500 images were taken for the 4 existing facings (about 78 lineal metres) from 17 which a photogrammetric model was obtained of over 50 million polygons; as well as a cloud of 18 over 40 million points from the laser scanning. It can be concluded that by using the techniques of 19 SfM, the task of documenting, analysing and studying the facings of the historical buildings in order 20 to establish its evolutional process, gains, not only in precision and exactitude, but also opens the 21 possibility to go further by obtaining products that are capable in the labour of conservation, resto- 22 ration and protection of the historical heritage, as well as the generation of 3D virtualizations, 23 planned for the diffusion

    Freshwater Crustaceans Decadpos: An Important Resource of Guatemala

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    Guatemala is a mega diversity country because it has several ecosystems and the physiography has a high diversity. However, the local population uses this biodiversity as a natural resource of food mainly. The country had three main drainage slopes for their rivers and aquatic reservoirs with several basins (the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the Pacific Sea). In these slopes, crayfish, freshwater prawns, and crabs compose the aquatic biological resources. Several fieldtrips were performed around these slopes in order to identify the species which were used as natural aquatic resources and verify if the diversity supports the food needs of the local population. Our findings were that the country has at least four crayfish species of genus Procambarus spp., those living in the high and middle altitude areas. Five freshwater prawn species with abbreviated larval development of genus Macrobrachium, that is, Macrobrachium cemai were also found. The bigger species of Macrobrachium was also identified on the three slopes as Macrobrachium americanum, Macrobrachium tenellum, Macrobrachium occidentale, and Macrobrachium digueti on the Pacific slope, while on the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, Macrobrachium carcinus, Macrobrachium acanthurus, Macrobrachium heterochirus, Macrobrachium olfersii, and Macrobrachium hobbsi were recorded, and therefore, the nonnative species Macrobrachium rosenbergii; with respect to other shrimps, Palaemon pandaliformis, Palaemonetes octaviae, and atyids as Atya scabra and Potimirim glabra were found. According to the freshwater crabs, the Pseudothelphusidae family is the best to represent in comparison with Trichodactylidae where only one population was recorded. Also, we register the uses of these species around the main markets in the country and we found two main ways: the first one is for the bigger species of freshwater prawns and crabs that are offered very expensive in kilogram and are almost offered in restaurants as exclusive dishes. The second one is more for the local consumption, and many families of fishery species that include crayfishes, freshwater prawns with abbreviated larval development, and smaller crabs, and so on, are sometimes found in the markets, with the prices being cheaper and can be bought only by the local people. Our findings show that Guatemala has an enormous potential in the crustaceans decapods for use as natural aquatic resources as protein sources at low cost, especially for the families with low economical level

    Momento Económico (6)

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    Temas de hoy, 2/ Benjamín Retckiman Kirk: Ambigüedad de los informes gubernamentales, 3/ ¿Magia de los números?, 6/ Arturo Ortíz Wadgymar: El sector externo durante 1983, 7/ Saharí Angeles Cornejo: La política monetaria en 1983, 1O/ Carlos Morera: La política financiera durante 1983, 13/ Bernardo Navarro B. y Jesús Rodríguez L.: El transporte público, subsidio a las mayorías o "realismo económico", 1

    Antropometría en niños de la consulta externa del Hospital Universitario del Valle de Cali, Colombia, según la OMS

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    La evaluación del estado nutricional en el niño, permite conocer si su crecimiento es normal y por ende su estado de salud. OBJETIVO: Valorar por medio de antropometría, a los niños que asisten a la Consulta Externa del Hospital Universitario del Valle “Evaristo García” (HUV) de Cali, Colombia por medio de los patrones de crecimiento infantil de la OMS entre el 1 de julio y el 31 de diciembre de 2010. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo observacional no experimental (N=214 niños), edad (E) entre los 0 meses y 17 años, que asistieron al HUV. Se dividieron en 3 grupos: 0 meses a 2 años; >2 años a 4 años y 11 meses, y 5 a 18 años. Se le realizó una historia clínica completa, peso (P), talla (T) y perímetro cefálico (PC) y diagnóstico de primera vez según sistema comprometido. Se aplicó el software Nutritional Statistical System (NSS)®, el cual utiliza como guía de referencia los patrones de crecimiento infantil de la OMS, teniendo como indicadores antropométricos para cada grupo de edad el P/E, el P/T, la T/E, el Índice de masa corporal (IMC), y el PC/E y PC/T. Se realizó su análisis estadístico como porcentajes, promedios, moda, me d i a , me d i a n a y d e s v i a c i ó n e s t á n d a r. RESULTADOS: Edad promedio de 4.7±4.3 años; 55.1% masculinos. A la antropometría, tuvieron un promedio de 15.9±11 kg de P, un promedio de T de 95.3±30,1 centímetros, y un promedio de 44.8±5,0 centímetros de PC. Al estudiar la frecuencia de los diagnósticos de primera vez, se observó que el sistema más afectado fue el respiratorio en un 18.2%. P muy bajo para la E o DNT global severa del 9.3%, P adecuado para la E del 41.9%; P adecuado para su T en el 47.3%;T adecuada para la E del 67.8%; IMC adecuado para su E del 55.1%, y obesidad del 3.1%. en el 92.8% se encontró con un PC/E normal, y en menor porcentaje comprometido por DNT (7.2%); y al corregir este indicador según la T, el PC/T, solo en un 0.8% de la población estuvo comprometido (DNT + posibles problemas neurológicos). CONCLUSIONES: Todos los indicadores antropométricos utilizados estuvieron afectados con algún tipo de déficit nutricional, siendo el IMC el menos afectado con un 24,5% y el más afectado es el P/E con un 58,1%. En cuanto a los excesos nutricionales, se encontró que el sobrepeso y la obesidad presentan porcentajes de 17,3% y 3,1% respectivamente. Según los diagnósticos de primera vez, la anomalía con mayor porcentaje de tipo respiratorio con el 18,2%. El indicador PC se utilizó para correlacionarlo con la E, pero es aconsejable utilizarlo igualmente para la talla, lo que podría dar un mejor criterio de diagnóstico

    First recorded case of leucism in the velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae)

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    The capture of a female specimen of the velvet belly lantern shark Etmopterus spinax with abnormal skin coloration is reported. The specimen was captured off northern Spain (Bay of Biscay, North-eastern Atlantic) in 2021 by bottom trawling. The lack of dermal melanophores combined with a normal retinal pigmentation, lead us to considerate the specimen as leucistic. This is the first case of leucism in E. spinax and the second record of colour aberration in the family Etmopteridae. A comprehensive updated review of published literature on albinism and leucism in chondrichthyans is also provided.En prens